Saturday, December 26, 2020

V: The Good Apprentice (1985)

 IM 66yo

 ?137 unnumbered sections

characters: 1,095,760
words: 200,745

[wikipedia] [goodreads] [editions/covers] [info]

 spoiler-reviews: [dexter]


To Brigid Brophy [wiki] 56yo

Edward Baltram, 20yo

Mark Wilsden (Edward's friend and fellow student) deceased 

Sarah Plowmain, Edward's 19yo neighbor

Dirk Plowmain, Sarah's father, a recent suicide

Chloe Warriston, Edward's mother, died when he was 7yo

Jesse Alywyn Baltram, Edward's estranged father, panter

Seegard, Jesse's house 

Thomas McCaskerville, Scotch psychiatrist

Jennifer Wilsden, Mark's mother

Brenda Wilsden (Brownie)

Henry Cuno (Harry) Edward's stepfather

Stuart Cuno

Teresa Cuno, Stuart's mother

Margaret 'Midge' Warriston McCaskerville, Chloe's little sister, Edward's aunt

May Barnes Baltram (Mother May) Jesse's wife

Ilona Baltram, 18yo

Bettina Baltram, 24yo

PART ONE The Prodigal Son I will arise

Edward's visit
So it was that
Dear Edward Baltram
? This letter from
'Listen,' said
'Canst thou not
'So you think
After the door
When Ursula had gone
Harry in a black
When Stuart had gone
Stuart, dismissed by Harry
? You murdered
After Stuart had gone
It is a terrible thing
Edward Baltram was crossing
'Do you think we
'So you talked
After Edward went away
'I think you're not
God, why do we

PART TWO Seegard Seegard only
? Seegard My dear
? On the back
? Edward wrote at once
The next morning
Breakfast consisted
'I always do
When Ilona had closed
'Oh, you're back
Edward was awakened
In the past days
'Quick, quick
'Wait, Edward
My hands are growing
When Stuart had left
A little loud wren
Trying to recall
? That is
'I like them
Thinking about Ilona
'Being your slave
Bettina had mended
Edward thought later
Edward was awakened
Edward opned the door
? Jesse, sitting
'How did he know
So I can't leave
Midge McCaskerville was
Thomas had made
'How's the poor
'Have we convinced
? Edward donned
I would like
He had known at once
Edward walked
Stanford My Dear
? Stuart Cuno
'There was an exhibition
Harry Cuno was awakened
Edward was ill
? Dear Mr Cuno
? 'I would have telephoned
'Edward told us
? Merciful darkness
'Excuse me
At that very moment
? Railway Cottage
'The left wheel
? 'So it wasn't
The Atrium was empty
Edward opened his
'Edward, what's the matter
When at last
Lunch felt
'But you didn't see
'He has metamorphosed

PART THREE Life After Death 'I'm not going
Stuart sat down
Midge, now holding
? 'Excuse me
'Excuse me, are you
'Excuse me, I was
Edward, nearly mad
'Look,' said Harry
Notridge House
? With this
'So he thought
Going down the stairs
Why do I torment
'I want you to teach
Edward pushed up
? Why have you
'Why did you
After Ursula
'It can't all
? Harry said
I may mention
? Midge laid
Brownie had not
In her first
Thomas McCaskerville was
'I believe you don't
Edward was standing
By the time he
'You've done nothing
Stuart, going down
Edward was back
She had seen
Edward was sitting
? 'Edward, I'm glad
Seegard in the bright
I am on a golden
? I cannot and
? Midge read
Thomas was in
? It doesn't add
? My dear Edward
? Edward threw
? Dear Edward
? Edward read this
? I have written you
? Edward could scarcely
? My dear Edward
? Edward found that
At about this
? Sitting in
? When Stuart
? Max point
? Edward sat
? Harry was
'Dad, I wish
Edward had dialled
'So we're

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

U: The Philosopher's Pupil (1983)

 163 unnumbered chapters?

characters 1,220,740
words 218,501

[wikipedia] [goodreads] [editions/covers] [info]

To Arnaldo Momigliano [wiki]

papillon dog

Donald MacKinnon = Rozanov

Gandhara Buddha

     George McCaffrey---George, 44 years old, was a pupil of John Robert Rozanov, the philosopher. After changing from philosophy to history and archaeology, he had entered the museum and archive world but published nothing except A Short History of the Ennistone Museum. He married Stella; their son, Rufus, died in an unexplained "mishap."
 Stella McCaffrey--- George's wife.
 Brian McCaffrey--- George's brother, age 41.
 Gabriel McCaffrey--- Brian's wife.
 Adam McCaffrey--- Gabriel and Brian's son, age 8.
 Zed--- Adam's small Papillon dog.
 Alex McCaffrey--- George and Brian's mother, age 66.
 Tom McCaffrey--- Alex's stepson, George and Brian's younger stepbrother, age 20.

 ðŸ§™ John Robert Rozanov--- the philosopher.
 Hattie Meynell--- John Robert's granddaughter.
 Ruby Doyle--- Alex's long-time maid; a gipsy.
 Diane Sedleigh--- George's mistress and Ruby's sister or cousin (no one knows).

Pearl Scotney--- Hattie's maid and companion, also related to Ruby and Diane

Emmanuel (Emma) Scarlett-Taylor--- Tom's friend.


U101: Prelude i An Accident A few minutes
U102: He lifted up his head
U103: George remembered
U104: An ambulance came
U105: 'How are we feeling?
U106: George McCaffrey had been
U107: Stella had started
U201: ii Our Town I am the narrator
U202: As there are quite
U203: The Events in Our Town A bird was singing
U204: Leaning at the mantelpiece
U205: When Adam arrived
U206: Later in the evening
U207: Brian and Gabriel
U208: Alex put the key
U209: 'What a bloody mess
U210: George's face in repose
U211: 'I left my evening
U212: Adam was small
U213: Alex had arrived
U214: In the vast
U215: George, leaving
U216: For George the day
U217: Swimming, George
U218: Alex had also
U219: Ruby, who
U220: 'Wherever did
U221: Stella McCaffrey
U222: Tom pressed
U223: Tom McCaffrey was
U224: Emmanuel Scarlett-Taylor as he
U225: When Alex had returned
U226: Now it was Tuesday
U227: John Robert Rozanov was
U228: George McCaffrey had
U229: Opinions differed
U230: Alex, who had arrived
U231: 'Almighty God
U232: Hattie Meynell was
U233: A distant bell
U234: John Robert Rozanov was floating
U235: Meanwhile outside
U236: 'Who's that girl?
U237: 'Don't drip
U238: 'Is that Tom
U239: It had begun
U240: George, dressed
U241: 'Introduce me
U242: On the Promenade
U243: Vernon Chalmers
U244: 'Do you believe
U245: It was Sunday
U246: 'A chair does
U247: 'Sing to me
U248: You don't know
U249: ? Tom was pleased
U250: Emma was in bed
U251: Tom McCaffrey had laid
U252: George had once
U253: Now in the morning
U254: The loud hum
U255: John Robert was
U256: Hattie and Pearl
U257: 'What fun
U258: 'Let me have
U259: George went downstairs
U260: Zed ran past
U261: 'He's sweet
U262: Brian and Gabriel emerged
U263: After the Brian
U264: Quelconque

U265: At about the same
U266: By the time
U267: Meanwhile as
U268: 'What happened
U269: 'My God
U270: Another witness
U271: Soon after
U272: 'Shall we go
U273: When Tom
U274: George McCaffrey entered
U275: Ever since
U276: Clothed again
U277: 'Good morning
U278: John Robert blinked
U279: John Robert meanwhile
U280: The next day there
U281: ? A telephone call
U282: ? Pearl opened
U283: 'But what
U284: 'Are you going
U285: The drinks before
U286: 'Where have you
U287: 'And did those feet
U288: ? The four young
U289: Time passed
U290: After lunch
U291: 'Have they
U292: 'What's that
U293: Alex had
U294: 'I can't pray
U295: It was nearly
U296: Exactly how
U297: 'Whatever's happening
U298: There's someone
U299: Alex turned away
U300: The shutters of
U301: The shutters closed
U302: ? Sitting on a seat
U303: Tom held his head
U304: Did I push
U305: Stationed in different
U306: 'Well, how are
U307: As Emma came out
U308: 'Must we have
U309: It was never known
U310: Not long after
U311: Pearl saw the paper
U312: George, shut up
U313: It was Wednesday
U314: There's a head
U315: George had been
U316: While John Robert
U317: At Eastcote's house
U318: At about the time
U319: Nesta, who was
U320: 'Perhaps he doesn't
U321: 'Here he is
U322: Five minutes later
U323: Tom rang the bell
U324: 'Come on, kid
U325: 'You mean you love
U326: Even before
U327: On Friday Tom
U328: As Tom, in extreme
U329: Tom was so surprised
U330: When Emma came
U331: Two minutes later
U332: What Brian
U333: When they reached
U334: 'Oh Tom
U335: As the door closed
U336: However George
U337: Father Bernard was
U338: The front door bell
U339: After his flight
U340: 'Tom, Tom
U341: When Tom got
U342: Emma turned on
U343: Brian McCaffrey rang
U344: It was Saturday night
U345: 'You can't say
U346: After a while
U347: When the lights
U348: Tom pushed open
U349: Later on, while
U350: George McCaffrey pushed
U351: As George had
U352: When George left
U353: And here some time
U401: What Happened Afterwards The inquest
U402: ? My dear N
U403: ? I read part

Friday, December 4, 2020

T: Nuns and Soldiers (1980)

IM was 61yo, married 24yrs 

inspired by Henry James "Wings of the Dove" [etext] Tim and Daisy = Densher and Kate

nine numbered sections, 105? unnumbered subsections

characters 1,039,435
words 188,647

 To Natasha and Stephen Spender



[wikipedia] [goodreads] [editions/covers] [info]



Munch print T35

 'There is only one nun and no soldiers at all.'

👨Guy Openshaw, 44yo, dying of cancer
💂Piotr Wojciech Szczepanski, 'the Count'
👩 Gertrude, Guy's wife
👰Anne Cavidge, ex-nun
👦Tim Reede, unsuccessful artist
👧Daisy, Tim's girlfriend


Gerald Pavitt

Stanley Openshaw,  Janet

T11: One 'Wittgenstein?'
T12: Through the door
T13: The Count, it should be explained
T14: As a child the Count
T15: When the Count was over thirty
T16: The Count stood at attention
T17: 'Would you like anything?
T18: Manfred put his head
T19: Veronica Mount
T1: The Count would have liked
T1: There is a gulf fixed
T1: The Count  went into the kitchen
T1: While the count was listening
T1: It was the next morning
T1: Anne Cavidge  sat
T1: 'Is that all
T1: By this time, back
T1: 'I wish you had seen
T1: Just outside the partly
T21: Two  Time had passed
T22: It was the day
T23: 'It was the Count
T24: Tim Reede was mooching
T25: 'Bloody baked beans
T26: 'You mean you're short
T27: The bell rang
T31: Three  Tim Reede
T32: About four
T33: It was twilight
T34: Gertrude too
T35: Tim's first feeling

Munch print (not startled??)
T37: When he awoke, Gertrude
T38: Lying on her bed
T39: 'I wish you had
T3: Tim Reede awoke. He
T3: They spent the morning
T3: Tim Reede awoke. Joy
T3: Gertrude was sitting
T3: 'Gertrude! Oh
T3: About the time
T3: Tim entered
T3: 'So Tim Reede just
T3: What's happened
T3: 'Goodbye
T41: Four  'Well, and how
T42: 'We're the official
T43: Tim and Gertrude
T44: 'It's Mary
T45: 'You didn't
T46: The Count was sitting
T47: The Count did sleep
T48: 'You mean you want
T49: Gertrude had said
T4: 'So yer back
T4: Everything began
T4: Lying naked
T51:Five It was done
T52: 'When you leave
T53: Jesus Christ came
T54: It was at this point
Anne woke up
'How is your
'Well, I think
'Anne-- I have just
The Count had spent
It was evening
Anne rang the bell
'Have you been to
Tim entered humming
'Oh Time
T61: Six  'What a bore
T62: Tim had arrived
T63: 'He took money
T64: 'All the same
T65: 'I don't like
T66: Dear Tim
T67: 'Well, who wrote
T68: Tim and Daisy were
T71: Seven 'The rocks
He felt that he needed
On the fifth morning
Anne Cavidge lay
Gertrude knocked
'How's Anne
How exactly
A letter did come
As Tim gazed
Tim might as well
When Tim woke
Tim had taken
Suddenly and
Vigilant Anne
'Come on
'But you're hurt
'You're telling it
T81: Eight  Anne was following
T82: The Count lay sleepless
T83: Tim was standing
T84: The Count came into
T85: 'Anne, my dearyou there

Polish pope [wiki]
T91: Nine  'Why did
T92: 'Have you got
T93: Anne Cavidge was sitting

? /Oh Anne

Biographies and other studies of Iris Murdoch

 Iris Murdoch: A Life (2001) [ archive ] Conradi, Peter J. Iris: The Life of Iris Murdoch (Norton Paperback) (2002) [ archive ] Conradi, Pet...