Saturday, January 9, 2021

W: The Book and the Brotherhood (1987)

"the novel I’m writing is dull" 30 Nov 1985

IM was 68yo

three parts, 14 sections, 113 subsections

characters 1,205,302

words 216,985

[wikipedia] [info] [goodreads] [editions/covers]

spoiler-reviews: [dexter] [NYT-Newman]

To Diana Avebury

Magdalene College 2015 ball

 ðŸ§™ David Crimond, slight Scottish accent
    Lily Boyne, rich young widow championed by Jean and Rose, bouncy, told lies

James Farling, her deceased wealthy husband
    Gulliver 'Gull' Ashe, early 30s unemployed, tall, dark, slim, Gerard's guest

Conrad Lomas, gorgeous young taller american, thesis on marxism, idolises Crimond
    Tamar Hernshaw, Conrad's partner, unstylish, young, dislikes Lily
    Duncan Cambus
    Gerald Hernshaw

Professor Levquest

Patricia, Gerard's sister

Gerard's father, deceased
    Gideon Fairfax
    Jean Kowitz Cambus
    Jenkin Riderhood, Patricia's date
    Joel Kowitz
    Rose Curtland, belongs to Gerard, thinks Lily uneducated
    Sinclair Curtland
    Violet Hernshaw, Tamar's mother, Gerald's cousin

= Part One Midsummer ‘David Crimond is here

oxford commem ball, 11pm

Treason of the Clerks, Waterbirds: see A Word Child
A little later Rose and Gerard
Rose put down her glass
The three friends passed out
Tamar was looking for Conrad
Meanwhile Rose had run
As Gerard emerged from Levquist’s
Gulliver was suddenly accosted
Tamar had not found Conrad
In the jazz tent Rose
Gerard, alone in Levquist’s rooms
Gulliver had lost Lily
After Gulliver’s departure
Gulliver was having a marvellous dream
= Gerard turned the key
= ‘Well, what do you propose
Duncan, who had been looking
It had all started a long
At about the time when Gerard
At about the time when Violet
= Part Two Midwinter ‘I think there’s some beer

As the front door closed behind
When Gerard left Jenkin
‘The rainy Pleiads
‘And there was a funny
‘There’s no need for you
‘Did Gerard send you?
When Jean had come to Crimond
Downstairs, they sat on the big
Any suffering which Gerard
‘This is Jean, as she was
‘Who was Guy Fawkes
Patricia’s knife and fork
Jenkin, anxious not to have
The noise outside was becoming
‘Jenkin didn’t send those
Tamar left the office early
Duncan’s flat, on this occasion
Gerard had found a parrot
‘I’m sorry to keep repeating myself
= ‘Did you sleep well?
After breakfast, while the others
Rose Curtland was standing
‘When are you going to see Crimond?
Meanwhile Rose had left
‘What will you talk about?
The flooded water-meadow
‘Gerard and I walked
Lily had finished lacing
Rose and Gerard, who had been
Gulliver had not arisen
‘You put poor old Rose’s nose
Tamar was being closely observed
Gulliver’s Housman poem
Everyone was going to church except
‘We praise thee, O God
Tamar went first into the church
= ‘How is your father?’ said Crimond
The ‘rather odd morning’ which Rose
‘Why didn’t you tell me
= ‘That child is going to die

'The world of the happy man is a different one from that of the unhappy man" (6.43).
As he walked away
Tamar had taken
Lily was reclining on her sofa
Gerard, Rose, Jenkin and Gulliver
Crimond had gone
They left one by one
= Violet searched
Tamar was of course not
Tamar, who was lying
‘I can’t sleep
Gerard, leaving the British Museum
It was nine o’clock
Tamar was sitting beside
Jenkin had made up the bed
Jenkin sat down by the fireplace
Gerard had telephoned Lily
= 'Let me see
The stone wall suddenly ceased
Rose Curtland was asleep
‘But why were you down here
It was later on
‘Nice of you two
= Rose opened
Rose, now back in London
Now it was Tuesday
During the short time when Rose
‘Just when everything’s going well
Jean and Duncan, now back
Gulliver had got as far
Duncan was looking at a hammer
On Thursday morning Jean
Duncan had gone to the office
It was Friday morning
Jean had not, on the previous evening
Duncan had of course left
Looking back later on what happened
= Part Three Spring Rose was
‘A lot of things have happened
On that day when Jenkin
On the following day Tamar
= 'You know
‘Did that young chap
Oh let there be not hate
Father McAlister, who had of course
= Altogether elsewhere
‘We never found that Stone
‘Rose, please come on the cruise
A little later after they had been
After he had gone Rose cried
Gerard, feeling unusually drunk
= Lily Boyne was
'Rose and Gerard have 

Biographies and other studies of Iris Murdoch

 Iris Murdoch: A Life (2001) [ archive ] Conradi, Peter J. Iris: The Life of Iris Murdoch (Norton Paperback) (2002) [ archive ] Conradi, Pet...