Tuesday, November 24, 2020

S: The Sea, the Sea (1978)

157 unnumbered chapters, six numbered divisions



begun 26 Oct 1976 (IM 57yo, married 20yrs)


[wikipedia] [goodreads] [editions/covers] [info]

 spoiler-reviews: [dexter]

To Rosemary Cramp [wiki]

Charles Arrowby, 60something famous actor, retired

Shruff End, his newly acquired home

Mrs Chorney

Mr Arkwright

🐉 sea monster 

👧Lizzie Scherer





Rosina Vamburgh


Clement Makin

Gilbert Opian

Nell Pickering, 22yo

James Arrowby, Charles' cousin

Abel and Estelle, James' parents

Ramsdens, their home

Mary Hartley Smith Fitch

Victor and Julia Banstead

Sidney and Rosemary Ashe

Will and Adelaide Boase

takes place May/June

S001: PREHISTORY The sea which lies before me
S002: I had written the above
S003: I spoke of a memoir
S004: Of course there is no need to separate
S005: I might now introduce myself
S006: The above observations have been written

S007: Another day has passed since I wrote
S008: It is after lunch and I shall now describe
S009: I wonder if I shall ever write
S010: I will now describe the house
S011: The sea is noisier
S012: It is night. Two oil lamps
S013: Two days have passed since I wrote
S014: My paternal grandfather was a market gardener
S015: I was utterly horrified
S016: Another day
S017: 'Mr Arkwright, do you ever see
S018: I think it is not going to be too easy
S019: But to return to myself
S020: Something rather odd and distressing
S021: 'But all your letters are in the dog kennel
S022: I have been sitting for some time in the little red room
S023: I wanted a wife once
S024: I am writing this after dinner
S025: 'Do you know what a poltergeist is
S026: Searching for a place to plant
S027: When I was young I could never decide
S028: Rereading these paragraphs I feel again
S029: 'A man would drown there in a second
S030: I am writing this the next morning
S031: I have been out shopping
S032: It is after lunch
S033: I have been out picking flowers
S034: I reread my pieces
S035: Since I started writing this
S036: Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
S037: Having written this much what can I say
S038: Some time during this period
S039: I ate three oranges at eleven
S040: I have spent the afternoon tidying
S041: I feel calmer now already
S101: ONE I did not look at the crabs
S102: It is now two
S103: Shortly after this
S201: TWO Now in
S202: I woke up
S203: I already had
S204: Nibletts is
S205: The next day before
S206: I waited in the church
S207: Dearest Lizzie
S208: I emerged
S209: I resisted
S301: History THREE 'Every
S302: As I had been
S303: 'Every persisting
S304: When I had finished writing
S305: 'Feeling better?
S306: 'But my dear Charles
S307: There was no fog
S308: I have written this out
S309: The next day I was like
S310: I shall now transcribe
S311: I wrote this letter quickly
S312: I will now describe what happened next
S313: In the first seconds
S401: History FOUR What follows
S402: A little later
S403: I may have described
S404: Of course he had
S405: I was lying in tall
S406: So far so good
S407: The next morning I woke
S408: There followed some
S409: I awoke suddenly
S410: I woke up
S411: The next morning something did
S412: The rest of that day
S413: Towards six-thirty

Whitsunday = late May or early June
S414: The next morning there was
S415: Later on that day
S416: Dear Mr Fitch
S501: History FIVE  The next day
S502: Before I reached
S503: I went away across
S504: There was lunch
S505: And they went on singing
S506: As I am writing
S507: I was lying on my back
S508: I must here record
S509: 'But how on earth
S510: Lizzie, to whom
S511: My assailant was
S512: I had not had
S513: Hartley, dearest
S514: It was the following day
S515: I cannot bear
S601: History SIX It was a short time
S602: During the last days
S603: That day and the next
S604: And so, waiting
S605: I did not open
S606: The next day was simply
S607: I came up as far
S608: So, I had five weeks
S609: I was of course
S610: That evening the clouds
S611: It was now late
S612: I awoke and it was day
S613: When I reached the house
S614: I woke rather late
S615: I must write this
S616: I read the letter though
S617: I woke up and it was
S701: Postscript Life Goes On That no doubt
S702: Another peevish
S703: I suppose I must
S704: I have just found
S705: I saw Lizzie and Gilbert
S706: Am I settling
S707: Last night at a little
S708: A few letters have arrived
S709: I cannot think
S710: Of course this chattering
S711: Gradually autumn
S712: Yes, I wonder
S713: I did not intend
S714: Thinking further
S715: Since writing the above
S716: I have just heard
S717: There have been
S718: The shock of
S719: Peregrine opened
S720: Uncle Abel dancing
S721: My father was
S722: I have just had
S723: James said that
S724: How long I
S725: When did they
S726: Why did I
S727: If this diary
S728: Of course I do not
S729: When did I begin
S730: A busy week
S731: I must speak
S732: I have had
S733: A completely new view
S734: The people from
S735: A letter from Jeanne
S736: I have talked with Lizzie
S737: Last night I dreamt
S738: I have been to
S739: It is very foggy
S740: Took Miss
S741: Decided to release
S742: Yes of course
S743: My God, that bloody

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